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Refrigerated containers

Purpose: for transporting loads that require constant temperature. The temperature is maintained in the range of approx. + 25 ° C - -25 ° C. Tare: container 20'R - 3t, 40'R 4t.


20 '- main dimensions 6.1m x 2.4m x 2.6m
internal dimensions (average) door dimensions (average) cubature (average)



height width height
5,540 2,260 2,247 2,260 2,200

27,7 m3



40 '- main dimensions 12.2m x 2.4m x 2.6m
internal dimensions (average) door dimensions (average) cubature (average)


width height width height
11,500 2,270 2,200 2,270 2,170 57,8 m3